How To Use Website Analytics To Improve Sales
By Susan Twardus Faith
Are You Utilizing Your Website Statistics To Increase Sales?
Website Statistics Can Help You Turn Visitors Into Buyers
By tracking your website metrics, you can gain valuable insights into your audience and their behavior.
As an artist, it can be challenging to generate sales for your work. However, one effective strategy for improving your sales is by utilizing website statistics. By tracking your website metrics, you can gain valuable insights into your audience and their behavior. This information can help you to optimize your website, create more targeted marketing campaigns, and improve your overall sales. Whether you're just starting out or looking to boost your existing sales, utilizing website statistics can be a game-changer in the art world.
How do I start?
You will find your website statistics in Marketing and Stats on your control panel. There you will be able to see the analytics for all domains you have for that site.
You can get the statistics for the year, custom range, the week, or even in Realtime!
See how many visitors are on your site right now!
You will have counts of the Top Sources for your visitors.
Knowing where they are coming from, Google, Facebook, Direct etc. Will help you know where to concentrate your marketing.
You can see what platforms are doing well and those that may need some attention.
Direct Source Visitors
are coming from either entering your web address, clicking on direct links to your domain or
from the Artspan Marketplace
You will be able to see where on your site your visitors are going, what pages and artwork are getting their attention.
Artwork getting attention but not sales, can be addressed with more marketing, price change or additional pictures and description.
Visitors who are leaving right after landing on your Home Page (or what ever page they entered) is your Bounce Rate. The bounce rate is the percent of visitors that landed on your website but left without clicking through, scrolling or interacting. A high bounce rate can indicate that the entry page needs some changes to keep visitors interested and wanting to see more.
Make sure your site is easily navigated and that your first page lets them know that there is much more to see.
How are my visitor accessing my website?
Knowing what devices are being used to access your website can help you get a read on your visitors habits.
Statistics show that many art buyers make their purchases on a desktop or laptop. While many window shop via their phone the majority make that actual purchase via computer or tablet.
Where are my visitors coming from?
Your visitor’s location can be helpful especially if you are marketing in a certain area or participating in an art show or exhibition. You should be able to track a bump in your website activity, and if not, you need to make sure information about your website is available to those art show attendees and in your marketing materials.
Website Analytics are included in the Professional and Professional Plus Plans.
Basic Plan Members will have access to Analytics for a limited time to try it out.
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