Marcy Lansman's lively landscapes provide a light-filled view-out-the-window during quarantine.

What’s new about my work for this show? Everything! I’ve never done landscapes before. I’ve never used the palette knife before. And I’ve never considered myself an impressionist.
This past fall, just for the fun of it, took a course in palette knife painting. The technique grabbed hold of me. It demanded that I let go of all attempts a precision. (Hence, “Outside the Lines.”) And it was particularly suited to capturing the sparkling fall colors I was seeing outside.

Now, during the social isolation imposed by Covid19, morning walks in the woods have been my escape. During the rest of the day, while we have been shut up in our apartment, I have continued to use the palette knife to paint the scenes I see during my morning walks.
Lansman's landscapes will be a featured artist in an online show at the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts till September 24.
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